Fowers Games

37,95 €

inkl. 6,06 € (19.0% MwSt.) & zzgl. Versand

RUN is a quick, tense, hidden movement game of cat-and-mouse. One player is the Runner, who is navigating a city skyline and using gadgets. Pursing him is the Dispatcher, sending her helicopter and patrol cars to hunt him down.
The Runner has a limited supply of movement tiles, so he'll need to plan ahead to not paint himself in a corner. Every movement also leaves clues for the Dispatch to deduce where he went. The Dispatch has powerful searching abilities and can call for backup if things get tough. If the Runner gets tagged twice, the game is over.

Hersteller Fowers Games
Kategorie / Typ Kartenspiel
Artikelnummer 656793985392
Anzahl Spieler 2
Alter ab 14 Jahren
Spieldauer 10 bis 30 Minuten
Sprachen englisch
Produktsicherheit Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

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