On Tour Paris & New York

38,00 €

inkl. 6,07 € (19.0% MwSt.) & zzgl. Versand

You’re living the dream and in a band and that's about to go on tour. It's your job to try and visit as many venues in Paris or New York as possible in 100-days.

On Tour Paris & New York is a 20 minute route-building, roll-and-write board game with large, premium components that's good for 8 players. Each turn, dice determine which numbers you write while cards restrict where you can visit. Players write simultaneously on their own maps, all using the same dice rolls and cards flips. Everyone is getting the same inputs, but how you choose to deal with them will determine your band's success.

Opportunities for bonus points, and a variable setup phase ensure every tour faces new challenges!

Make On Tour Paris & New York a party game by purchasing two games and you can play up to 16 players! There's really no limit to how many players can play this game...provided you have the maps!

Hersteller BoardGameTables
Kategorie / Typ Würfelspiel
Artikelnummer 618149323210
Anzahl Spieler 1 bis 8
Alter ab 10 Jahren
Spieldauer 20 Minuten
Sprachen englisch
Produktsicherheit Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

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