Fleet: The Dice Game (2nd Edition)
Eagle-Gryphon Games

35,00 €

inkl. 5,59 € (19.0% MwSt.) & zzgl. Versand

Fleet: The Dice Game takes place over 10 rounds with each round having up to 4 phases: a Boat Phase; an Income Phase; a Fishing Phase (even rounds only); and a Town Phase. In these rounds players acquire assets, wealth, power and income.

In the Boat Phase, the starting player rolls boat dice equal to the number players +1. Each player selects one die to unlock license powers and launch boats to catch fish. The remaining die is then used by all players.

In the Income Phase, players collect income on the coin track and adjust for any income bonuses they may have acquired.

In the Fishing Phase, players collect fish in each boat they have already launched.

In the Town Phase, the starting player rolls town dice equal to the number of players plus one boat die. Each player selects one die to either unlock special buildings in the Wharf, activate awesome ships in the Harbor, or go to the Market and gain additional income. The remaining die is then used by all players.

The game ends after 10 rounds. Players add up their points as shown in the five different categories on their score sheet and the player with the most points wins!

Hersteller Eagle-Gryphon Games
Kategorie / Typ Würfelspiel
Artikelnummer 609456647885
Anzahl Spieler 1 bis 4
Alter ab 8 Jahren
Spieldauer 30 Minuten
Sprachen englisch
Produktsicherheit Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

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